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You Can Do Something About Your Drooping Eyelids

You Can Do Something About Your Drooping Eyelids

Eyes are said to be the windows to the soul, but they’re also one of the first things people notice about you. 

If your eyes are framed by dark bags and drooping eyelids, strangers might assume you’re tired or sleepy. If you feel self-conscious about your eyes, a blepharoplasty can tighten the skin surrounding them, giving you a more approachable appearance. 

At Ventura Eye Institute in Camarillo, California, our professional team of eye care specialists can help you see better while improving the aesthetics of your eyelids with blepharoplasty.  

Common causes of drooping eyelids

The primary cause for drooping eyelids is age. As you get older, your skin loses elasticity and volume. This is because your body is producing less collagen and elastin, proteins that strengthen and support the skin. 

The eyes are extremely prone to aging. Sun exposure causes damage over time, and squinting or making expressions can lead to creases and wrinkles. Crow’s feet are a common example of eye wrinkles, but the skin of your upper and lower eyelids can also sag and droop. 

Some cosmetic treatments temporarily tighten the skin by replacing or stimulating the production of collagen or elastin. However, serious wrinkles around the eyes can be difficult to treat without surgery. 

Blepharoplasty 101 

Blepharoplasty, commonly known as eyelid surgery, is a simple procedure. Your surgeon carefully removes excess skin and fat from the eyelids. This can make you look younger, more alert, and well-rested. This technique can also be used to remove folds that are blocking your vision. 

The surgery is performed using precise tools and small incisions to avoid scarring your face. It’s delicate work, so you want a surgeon you can trust. At Ventura Eye Institute, our team of surgeons has extensive experience with blepharoplasty. They can assess your candidacy, listen to your needs, and provide results. 

What makes a good candidate

If you’re considering blepharoplasty, you might be wondering whether you’re a candidate. There are a few factors to consider while consulting with your surgeon. 

Some people cannot undergo surgery without undue risk. Talk to your surgeon if you have any conditions that might interfere with the procedure. 

There’s also the matter of cost. If you’re receiving a blepharoplasty for health reasons, your insurance might cover the surgery. Otherwise, you’ll need to discuss payment options. 

Be prepared for the procedure and have reasonable expectations. Eyelid surgery can drastically change your appearance, but it will not solve issues like body dysmorphia or low self-esteem. 

To learn more about this procedure and consult with a professional, get in touch with the team at Ventura Eye Institute. Just call the location closest to you, or book an appointment online

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