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What to Do If Eye Problems Run In Your Family

While hereditary eye conditions might not affect your early life, they can rob you of your vision when you get older. Even if you regularly receive eye exams for visual acuity, you need to receive a full examination by an ophthalmologist every few years. If eye problems run in your family, you need to receive these exams more often. 

At Ventura Eye Institute in Camarillo, California, our team of eye health specialists performs comprehensive eye exams to check for any signs of disease or adverse conditions that could affect your vision. If you have relatives with eye problems, knowing this can help us personalize your exam to be vigilant about your risk level and potential predisposition to the same problems.

Common hereditary eye conditions

Most eye conditions have a hereditary factor, including things like myopia, lazy eye, and astigmatism. These forms of vision impairment often present themselves during childhood, making diagnosis and treatment easier. 

However, many problems do not begin displaying symptoms until you get older. These conditions can be insidious, creeping up on you as you age. You might not even realize something is wrong until considerable vision loss occurs. Examples include: 

While some conditions, like cataracts, can be cured even in later stages, others cause permanent vision loss. This is why it’s important to diagnose and prevent eye problems as early as possible. 

How to prevent vision loss 

Not all eye diseases have a cure, but with early detection and intervention, you can work to preserve your vision. Your treatment plan might involve lifestyle changes, medication, surgery, and more frequent and in-depth eye exams

At Ventura Eye Institute, our staff have the experience and technology necessary to detect diseases of the eye. Our comprehensive eye exams go beyond basic tests and visual acuity, looking for anything that might interfere with your sight. 

When coming in for a consultation, be sure to mention your family’s medical history and any relevant eye conditions. A specialist will be able to assess your risk level, make recommendations, and schedule you for future appointments. When you consult with an ophthalmologist on a regular basis, you cut the risk of vision loss considerably. 

To learn more about hereditary eye problems and discuss your risk, schedule a consultation by calling 805-388-1211 or visit the contact page for more options.    

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