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What is Angle-Closure Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition, usually degenerative, that can lead to blindness. In fact, glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in people over the age of 60. Glaucoma damages your optic nerve, a very important nerve that transmits images to your brain

Vision loss from glaucoma can’t be reversed, so it’s important to visit your ophthalmologist regularly to check for any signs of degeneration or damage. Dr. Michael Ragen and Dr. Kyle Hunyh of Ventura Eye Institute have expertise in treating the different forms of glaucoma, including angle-closure glaucoma. 

What is angle-closure glaucoma?

Of the four types of glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma is one of the rarer forms. Glaucoma is usually the result of too much pressure inside your eye, because excess pressure can lead to damage of your optic nerve. 

Angle-closure glaucoma occurs when the drainage system in your eye is too narrow for fluids to properly leave your eye. Fluid buildup leads to excess pressure, and glaucoma develops. You can think of it as something clogging up your shower drain — when the drain is blocked, fluid accumulates in the tub. 

Angle-closure glaucoma is also called narrow-angle glaucoma or acute glaucoma, the latter because this condition often arises very quickly and without much warning. This type of glaucoma is often considered an emergency that needs prompt treatment. 

Symptoms of angle-closure glaucoma

Angle-closure glaucoma can bring about severe and sudden symptoms, including: 

If you start to experience any of these symptoms, call your ophthalmologist right away.

Risk factors for angle-closure glaucoma

Some people have a higher risk for angle-closure glaucoma (or any type of glaucoma) than others. Risk factors for angle-closure glaucoma include: 

Treatment for angle-closure glaucoma

Treatment for angle-closure glaucoma usually involves eye surgery that unblocks your drainage system. At Ventura Eye Institute, Dr. Ragen and Dr. Huynh specialize in laser trabeculoplasty, a type of laser surgery that drains excess fluid from your eyes. 

Your eye doctor may also prescribe oral medications or eye drops, or recommend that you get a stent implant to keep your fluid drains open. 

To learn more about angle-closure glaucoma and treatments, schedule a consultation appointment at Ventura Eye Institute. Call our Camarillo, California, office at 805-250-9723 or book your appointment online. You can also send the team a message here on the website.

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