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Here’s Why Glaucoma Screenings Are So Important

It’s known that approximately 3 million people have glaucoma. An insidious eye disease with no cure, glaucoma is best handled with frequent screenings and early treatment to reduce loss of vision and balance intraocular eye pressure.

At Ventura Eye Institute in Camarillo, California, our eye health specialists scan for glaucoma and can evaluate its progress and recommend the best treatment to preserve your remaining vision. In recognition of Glaucoma Awareness Month in January, let’s learn more about this condition and why you should have regular screenings. 

Symptoms of glaucoma

The symptoms of glaucoma can come on very slowly and be attributed to other causes. With any disruption to vision, you should be looking for and linking other potential symptoms and setting up a screening. Watch out for:

Some symptoms can come on suddenly, and these mean you could have a specific type of glaucoma called acute angle glaucoma that could cause blindness very quickly. Seek emergency care if you see blood in front of the iris of your eye, experience bulging eyes, or keep seeing sudden glares or flashes of light.  

Risk factors for glaucoma

There are lots of potential risk factors for glaucoma. Being aware of these risk factors and acting to get screened for glaucoma sooner rather than later could help you preserve your sight. Risk factors for glaucoma include:

Certain types of eye trauma or eye surgeries can also increase your future risk of glaucoma.   

Glaucoma treatment

Glaucoma isn’t curable, and damage done to your vision by glaucoma is irreversible. However, screening for early-stage glaucoma and immediate intervention can reduce the chances of further vision loss. There are two common types of treatment for glaucoma, including:

  1. Medicated eye drops to help reduce fluid and pressure inside your eyes
  2. Laser surgery to also lower intraocular eye pressure

Glaucoma screenings are critical to catching glaucoma early enough to provide treatment and prevent partial or total blindness. If you have risk factors and/or symptoms, it’s time to talk to a specialist about getting screened for glaucoma.  

To get screened for glaucoma, talk to the team at Ventura Eye Institute. You can schedule a consultation by calling 805-388-1211 or visiting the contact page for more options.

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