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Do I Need Cataract Surgery if I'm Having Double Vision?

Do I Need Cataract Surgery if I'm Having Double Vision?

It’s not unusual for your vision to degrade as you age, especially if you’ve had children, suffer from diabetes, or have a family history of cataracts. Double vision is a common complaint among those with cataract issues, but it’s important to determine what kind of double vision you’re experiencing, and whether it’s actually caused by a cataract. 

At Ventura Eye Institute in Camarillo, California, our professional team of eye care specialists can diagnose what is causing your double vision. If it is a cataract, we can help you decide if cataract surgery is the best solution for you. 

Potential causes of double vision 

Double vision isn’t always caused by a cataract. In fact, it can be a symptom of many other issues, including: 

When diagnosing double vision, it’s important to document exactly what you’re experiencing. Double vision caused by a cataract is often monocular, causing multiple images in one eye, not both. 

Other symptoms of a cataract

A cataract forms when the lens of the eye begins to cloud, preventing light from passing through. This occurs when the proteins within the eye begin clumping together, forming blurry spots in your vision. 

As the cataract grows, you will gradually lose sight until your lens(es) are completely opaque, blocking most light. There are different cataract types, but the general symptoms are the same: 

If you’re experiencing monocular double vision as well as other symptoms of a cataract, it might be time to consult a specialist. At Ventura Eye Institute, our team can evaluate your eyesight and go over your options, including cataract surgery. 

When to consider cataract surgery

Eye issues leading to potential blindness are extremely common as you get older, with more than half of adults over 80 requiring surgery at some point in their lives. You can receive cataract surgery at any time after developing a cataract. If neither of your eyes is cataract-free, both lenses may be replaced at the same time. 

The procedure is simple: your surgeon will carefully remove the clouded lens with a scalpel or laser, and replace it with an artificial intraocular lens, or IOL. 

There are many different types of IOLs, ranging from the simple traditional options to luxury lenses that provide things like night vision and better focus. Ventura Eye Institute offers a wide range of IOLs, such as: 

There are many different brands to choose from and factors to consider before choosing your new lenses, which is why it’s important to consult a specialist before committing to anything. 

Seeing double? Schedule a consultation with the team at Ventura Eye Institute by calling 805-388-1211, or visit the contact page for more options. 

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