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Are Cataracts Inevitable as I Grow Older?

Are Cataracts Inevitable as I Grow Older?

While your risk of losing your sight increases as you age, this doesn’t mean blindness is inevitable. Cataracts can be both prevented and cured, allowing you to maintain your vision well into your golden years. With proper protection and routine eye exams, you can prevent and detect damage before it has a chance to affect your eyesight. 

At Ventura Eye Institute in Camarillo, California, our professional team of eye care specialists can screen you for cataracts and, if necessary, schedule you for safe, effective cataract surgery

Understanding cataracts 

Cataracts occur when the lens of your eye, which helps focus light back into the retina, begins to thicken and discolor. This is caused by proteins in the lens clumping together, eventually forming an opaque cloud that blocks your vision. 

There are many different kinds of cataracts, but most people end up with a nuclear sclerotic cataract, which forms in the center of the lens and spreads outward. Common symptoms include nearsightedness, dull or sepia-toned colors, poor night vision, and halos around lights. 

A large portion of the population develops cataracts at some point, including more than half of all Americans over the age of 80. However, you can try to prevent them, and they can be cured. 

Preventing cataracts 

While there’s no way to completely eliminate your chances of developing cataracts, you can try to minimize the risk as much as possible. 

Cataracts are largely the result of aging and environmental factors, so remaining healthy as you get older and protecting your eyes can lower your risk substantially. Recommended lifestyle changes include: 

Proper eye protection is easily the most important factor to consider on a day-to-day basis. If you work with machinery, chemicals, or welding equipment, make sure to wear goggles and follow safety procedures closely. 

Sunglasses and transition lenses are also important; UVA and UVB radiation have both been linked to the formation of cataracts, so make sure to limit sun exposure wherever you can. 

You should also receive regular eye exams to monitor the health of your eyes. You should have your pupils dilated and examined every 2-4 years until you turn 65, when you should begin attending annually. If you have a family history of cataracts or glaucoma, you might want to visit more often. 

To schedule a check-up with the team at Ventura Eye Institute, call 805-388-1211 or visit the contact page for more options. 

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