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5 Risks to Be Aware of When Using Botox for Eye Treatments

Contrary to popular belief, Botox® wasn’t always the cosmetic kingpin it is today. Before being approved for use on forehead and eye wrinkles, ophthalmologists used it to treat eye conditions like strabismus and muscle spasms. However, if you need Botox injections around the eye area for any reason, you’re best off getting them from a qualified eye specialist. 

At Ventura Eye Institute in Camarillo, California, our professional team of eye care specialists also provides Botox injections to reduce signs of aging around your eyes.

Botox for eye conditions 

Botox is a purified neurotoxin derived from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which causes food poisoning. The history of Botox in medicine goes back to the 1970s when it was used to treat strabismus (lazy eye.) 

Instead of performing surgery, a targeted injection could temporarily paralyze the muscle causing the eye to drift. The FDA approved it for this purpose, but interest grew regarding the injectable drug’s versatility.

At Ventura Eye Institute, we use Botox injections to treat numerous issues, including: 

5 risks to consider 

There are plenty of horror stories surrounding Botox injections gone wrong, often when injected by inexperienced aestheticians or spa staff. Most of these can be avoided by seeking a true specialist. However, there are a few risks you should be aware of. 

1. Bruising and redness 

This is not a risk as much as a common side effect and something that will fade shortly after your treatment. Try to avoid strenuous activity or touching your face, and the redness should subside quickly. 

2. Dry eyes 

If you’re receiving Botox injections around your eyes, you might notice that they feel dryer in the days following. This isn’t unusual, but make sure to talk to your provider about it if eye drops stop being effective.   

3. Flu-like symptoms

The risk of infection is low when receiving Botox injections from a professional in a clean environment, but your immune system might respond regardless. Call your primary care provider and our office if your flu-like symptoms don't improve. 

4.  Headache 

While Botox injections can help reduce migraines and headaches when injected for that purpose, you might experience a headache if you’re receiving them for another reason. This is temporary and should fade quickly.

5. Temporary paralysis 

Because Botox is a neurotoxin, it’s capable of freezing muscles that are overly tight or spasming. However, if the injection is not precise, you might experience facial weakness and drooping caused by other facial muscles becoming paralyzed. 

To learn more about Botox and see if it can help you, schedule a consultation with the specialists of Ventura Eye Institute by calling 805-388-1211, or visit the contact page for more options.

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